Cover Page Report of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organization 10th Working Committee & General Assembly -REPORT OF THE TENTH WORKING COMMITTER AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE ASEAN INTER-PARLIAMENTARY ORGANIZATION --I. Date and Venue --II. Participants -TABLE OF CONTENTS --III. Meeting of the Heads of Delegations and First Plenary Session of the Working Committee --IV. Opening Ceremonies and First Plenary Session of the General Assembly --V. Second Plenary Session of the Working Committee --VI. SECOND PLENARY SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND CLOSING CEREMONIES --ANNEXES : Rear Page ---ANNEX A ---ANNEX B. 1. ---ANNEX C. 2. ---ANNEX D. 8. ---ANNEX E. 1. ---ANNEX E. 3. ---ANNEX E. 5. ---ANNEX G. 1. ---ANNEX G. 5. ---ANNEX H.