Cover Page Contents Introduction[Paolo Mancini][Jan Zielonka] Research Article -Negotiating Control : Political Communication Cultures in Bulgaria and Poland[Barbara Pfetsch][Katrin Voltmer] -Media Use and Political Engagement in Three New Democracies : Malaise versus Mobilization in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland[Hubert Tworzecki][Holli A. Semetko] -From Multinationals to Business Tycoons : Media Ownership and Journalistic Autonomy in Central and Eastern Europe[Vaclav Stetka] -Uncommonly Common or Truly Exceptional? An Alternative to the Political System-Based Explanation of the Romanian Mass Media[Ioana Coman][Peter Gross] -Trends in Political Communication in Hungary : A Postcommunist Experience Twenty Years after the Fall of Dictatorship[Gabriella Szabo][Balazs Kiss] -Clientelism, Elites, and the Media in Central and Eastern Europe[Henrik Ornebring] Commentary -Covering Syria[Vivian Salama] Rear Page