Cover Page Contents Articles -"We Had Been Fooled into Thinking that the UN Watches over the Entire World" : Human Rights, UN Trust Territories, and Africa''s Decolonization[Meredith Terretta] -Challenges to Freedom of Expression Within the Inter-American System : A Jurisprudential Analysis[Claudio Grossman] -"Bashir is Dividing Us" : Africa and the International Criminal Court[Kurt Mills] -Building a Barometer of Gay Rights (BGR) : A Case Study of Uganda and the Persecution of Homosexuals[Susan Dicklitch] -Rights-Based Approaches to Development : Implications for NGOs[Shannon Kindornay] -Iran : An Anthropologist Engaging the Human Rights Discourse and Practice[Reza Afshari] -Using Local Culture to Further the Implementation of International Human Rights : The Receptor Approach[Tom Zwart] Interview -With Ariel Dorfman on Feeding on Dreams : Confessions of an Unrepentant Exile[Inela Selimovic] Book Reviews -Socio-Economic Rights : Adjudication Under a Transformative Constitution, by Sandra Liebenberg[Elizabeth Brundige][Sital Kalantry] -Empire of Humanity : A History of Humanitarianism, by Michael Barnett[Peter Redfield] -Gender and Culture at the Limit of Rights (Dorothy L. Hodgson ed.)[Rachel Newcomb] -The Trouble with the Congo : Local Violence and the Failure of International Peacebuilding, by Severine Autesserre[Tony Gambino] -A Liberal Theory of International Justice, by Andrew Altman & Christopher Heath Wellman[Johannes Morsink] -Human Rights and India''s Struggle Against Corruption, Corruption and Human Rights in India : Comparative Perspectives on Transparency and Good Governance, by C. Raj Kumar[Michael C. Davis] -Justice at Guantanamo : Absent Presentee, Justice at Guanta-namo : One Woman''s Odyssey and Her Crusade for Human Rights, by Kristine A. Huskey[Claris Harbon] -The Image Before the Weapon : A Critical History of the Distinction Between Combatant and Civilian, by Helen M. Kinsella[David P. Forsythe] -Human Rights and Intellectual Property : Mapping the Global Interface, by Laurence R. Helfer & Graeme W. Austin[Claudia Geiringer] -Women''s Human Rights and Culture : From Deadlock to Dialogue, by Rikki Holtmaat & Jonneke Naber[Simone Cusack][Lisa Pusey] -NAFTA and the Politics of Labor Transnationalism, by Tamara Kay[Jonathan Graubart] -Law, Justice, and Expediency in Global Politics : Achievements and Limitations, The Limits of Ethics in International Relations : Natural Law, Natural Rights, and Human Rights in Transition, by David Boucher ; Post-Transitional Justice : Human Rights Trials in Chile and El Salvador, by Cath Collins ; Necessary Evils : Amnesties and the Search for Justice, by Mark Freeman[Mahmood Monshipouri] -Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones : From the Ancient World to the Era of Human Rights (Elizabeth D. Heineman ed.)[Naomi Cahn] Rear Page