COVER PAGE CONTENTS Articles -Perfecting Tyranny Foveign Intervention as Expevimentation in State Control[Christopher J. Coyne][Abigail R. Hall] -Repudiation in Antebellum Mississippi[Clifford Thies] -Let''s Focus on Victim Justice, Not Criminal Justice[Bruce L. Benson] -Incumbent Vertical Market Power, Experimentation, and Institutional Design in the Deregulating Electricity Industry[Lynne Kiesling] Reflections -The Real Case against Activist Global Warming Policy[James L. Payne] Book Reviews -Rise of the Warrior Cop : The Militarization of America''s Police Forces By Radley Balko[Anthony Gregory] -The Great Degeneration : How Institutions Decay and Economies Die By Niall Ferguson[Samuel Gregg] -Why Philanthropy Matters : How the Wealthy Give, and What It Means for Our Economic Well-Being By Zoltan J. Acs[Gordon E. Shockley] -The Great Debate : Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Birth of Right and Left By Yuval Levin[James A. Montanye] -Democracy and Political Ignorance : Why Smaller Government Is Smarter By Ilya Somin[Scott Beanlier] -James Madison and the Making of America By Kevin R. C. Gutzman[Michael J. Faber] -America''s Fiscal Constitution : Its Triumph and Collapse By Bill White[Burton A. Abrams] -Torpedo : Inventing the Military-Industrial Complex in the United States and Great Britain By Katherine C. Epstein[Thomas K. Duncan] -The Institutional Revolution : Measurement and the Economic Emergence of the Modern World By Douglas W. Allen[William F. Shughart II] -The Great Escape : Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality By Angus Deaton[William R. Keech] -Ambition : A History from Vice to Virtue By William Casey King[James A. Montanye] Etceteras... -Ronald Coase, Anomalous Superstar of the Economics Profession[Robert Higgs] REAR PAGE