Cover Page Contents Articles -Slavery in Europe: Part 1, Estimating the Dark Figure[Monti Narayan Datta][Kevin Bales] -Are Peruvian Victims Being Mocked?: Politicization of Victimhood and Victims'' Motivations for Reparations[Mijke de Waardt] -From Architecture to Geometry: The Relationship Between the African Commission on Human and Peoples'' Rights and Organs of the African Union[Chidi Anselm Odinkalu] -The Disbanding of the SADC Tribunal: A Cautionary Tale[Laurie Nathan] -Right to Development and Global Governance: Old and New Challenges Twenty-Five Years on[Balakrishnan Rajagopal] -Calibrating Interpretive Incorporation: Constitutional Interpretation and Pregnancy Discrimination Under CEDAW[Jaclyn Ling-Chien Neo] -Intersectionality and the Spectrum of Racist Hate Speech: Proposals to the UN committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination[Nazila Ghanea] -The Legitimacy of Human Rights Courts: A Grounded Interpretivist Analysis of the European Court of Human Rights[Basak Cali] -The Impact of the ECtHR Rulings on Turkey''s Democratization: An Evaluation[Ergun Ozbudun][Fusun Turlmen] Book Reviews -Many Reasons to Intervene: French and British Approaches to Humanitarian Action (Karl Blanchet & Boris Martin eds.)[Larissa Fast] -Human Rights Journalism: Advances in Reporting Distant Humanitarian Interventions, by Ibrahim Seaga Shaw[Kristen Sorenson] -Life in Crisis: The Ethical Journey of Doctors without Borders, by Peter Redifeld[Claude Welch] -On Global Justice, by Mathias Risse[Morton Winston] -The Environmental Rights Revolution: A Global Study of constitutions, Human Rights, and the Environment, by David R. Boyd[Bradford C. Mank][Suzanne Smith] -Making Human Rights A Reality, by Emilie M. Hafner-Burton[David P. Forsythe] Rear Page