Cover Page Contents Research Article -Social Media and the Arab Spring: Politics Comes First[Gadi Wolfsfeld] -Networked Gatekeeping and Networked Framing n #Egypt[Sharon Meraz][Zizi Papacharissi] -Commercialism and Election Framing: A Content Analysis of Twelve Newspapers in the 2011 Irish General Election[Lain McMenamin] -In Democracy As in Dictatorship: Government Pressures on the Spanish Private News Agency Europa Press[Carlos Barrera][Jose Apezarena] -Still On the Beaten Path: How Gender Impacted the Coverage of Male and Female Romanian Candidates for European office[Viorela Dan][Aurora lorgoveanu] -Not (Yet) a New Era of Minimal Effects: A Study of Agenda Setting at the Aggregate and Individual Levels[Adam Shehata][Jesper Stromback] Rear Page