Cover Page Contents Articles -Montesquieu on Ancient Greek Foreign Relations: Toward National Self-Interest and International Peace[Andrea Radasanu] -An Exceptional Power: Equity in Thomas Hobbes''s Dialogue on the Common Law[Yishaiya Abosch] -The Anti-Federalist Strand in Progressive Politics and Political Thought[Elvin T. Lim] -Presidential Partisanship Reconsidered: Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, and the Rise of Polarized Politics[Daniel J. Galvin] -Which Party Elites Choose to Lead the Nomination Process?[Christopher L. Anderson] -Election Administration and the Pure Effect of Voter Registration on Turnout[Barry C. Burden][Jacob R. Neiheisel] -Is Online Participation Distinct from Offline Participation? A Latent Class Analysis of Participation Types and Their Stratification[Jennifer Oser] -Connecting to Constituents: The Diffusion of Representation Practices among Congressional Websites[Kevin M. Esterling] -Attack Advertising, the White Decision, and Voter Participation in State Supreme Court Elections[Melinda Gann Hall][Chris W. Bonneau] -Diverstity in Political Institutions and Congressional Responsiveness to Minority Interests[Michael D. Minta][Valeria Sinclair-Chapman] -The Logic of Presidential Signing Statements[Ian Ostrander][Joel Sievert] -Legislative Coalitions and Judicial Turnover under Political Uncertainty: The Case of Ecuador[Santiago Basabe-Serrano][John Polga-Hecimovich] Mini-Symposium -QCA, 25 Years after "The Comparative Method": Mapping, Challenges, and Innovations-Mini-Symposium[Benoit Rihoux][Axel Marx] --Qualitative Comparative Analysis at 25: State of Play and Agenda[Benoit Rihoux][Axel Marx] --New Directions in the Logic of Social Inquiry[Charles C. Ragin] --From Niche to Mainstream Method? A Comprehensive Mapping of QCA Applications in Journal Articles from 1984 to 2011[Benoit Rihoux] --Making the Most of Configurational Comparative Analysis: An Assessment of QCA Applications in Comparative Welfare-State Research[Patrick Emmenegger] --Opposites Attract? Opportunities and Challenges for Integrating Large-N QCA and Econometric Analysis[Peer C. Fiss] --Dealing with Errors in QCA[Martino Maggetti][David Levi-Faur] --Confronting Theories Based on Necessary Relations: Making the Best of QCA Possibilities[Damien Bol][Francesca Luppi] --Doing Justice to Logical Remainders in QCA: Moving Beyond the Standard Analysis[Carsten Q. Schneider][Claudius Wagemann] --Improving Research On Necessary Conditions: Formalized Case Selection for Process Tracing after QCA[Ingo Rohlfing][Carsten Q. Schneider] Rear Page