Cover page Contents Article -The Pacifying Effects of Local Religious Institutions : An Analysis of Communal Violence in Indonesia[Alexander De Juan] -Red and Blue States of Mind : Partisan Hostility and Voting in the United States[Patrick R. Miller][Pamela Johnston Conover] -Varying the Un - Variable : Social Structure, Electoral Formulae, and Election Quality[Fabrice Lehoucq][Kiril Kolev] -Passion or Dollars? How Mobilization Can Spoil the Mother''s Milk of Politics[Jeff Smith] -Constituency, Ideology, and Economic Interests in U.S. Congressional Voting : The Case of the U.S. - Korea Free Trade Agreement[Youngmi Choi] -Minorities in the Middle East: Ethnicity, Religion, and Support for Authoritarianism[Ceren Belge][Ekrem Karakoc] -Be All that You Can Be : The Electoral Impact of Military Service as an Information Cue[Monika L. McDermott][Costas Panagopoulos] -Does the American Dream Matter for Members of Congress? Social - Class Backgrounds and Roll - Call Votes[Jacob M. Grumbach] -The Impact of IMF and World Bank Programs on Labor Rights[Robert G. Blanton] -Candidate Race, Partisanship, and Political Participation : When Do Black Candidates Increase Black Turnout?[Amir Shawn Fairdosi][Jon C. Rogowski] -Race, Trust, and Return Migration : The Political Drivers of Post - disaster Resettlement[Gina Yannitell Reinhardt] -Turnout as Consent : How Fair Governance Encourages Voter Participation[Matthew R. Miles] -Talking Politics on Facebook : Network Centrality and Political Discussion Practices in Social Media[Patrick R. Miller] -Fiscal Policy and Economic Inequality in the U.S. States : Taxing and Spending from 1976 to 2006[Thomas J. Hayes][D. Xavier Medina Vidal] Rear page