Cover Page Contents Research Articles -Adherence to the Protest Paradigm: The Influence of Protest Goals and Tactics on News Coverage in U.S. and International Newspapers[Michael P. Boyle] -Modes of Professional Campaigning: A Four-Country Comparison in the European Parliamentary Elections, 2009[Jens Tenscher] -Issue Emergence, Evolution of Controversy, and Implications for Competitive Framing: The Case of the HPV Vaccine[Erika Franklin] -Internet News: Is It a Replacement for Traditional Media Outlets?[Benjamin Gaskins][Jennifer Jerit] -Political Photography, Journalism, and Framing in the Digital Age: The Management of Visual Media by the Prime Minister of Canada[Alex Marland] Invited Article -An Unexpected Crisis: The News Media in Postindustrial Democracies[Paul Starr] Rear Page