Cover Page Contents Introduction: New Trends and Challenges in Political Communication[Victor Sampedro] Research Article -The Emerging Viewertariat and BBC Question Time: Television Debate and Real-Time Commenting Online[Nick Anstead][Ben O''Loughlin] -Public Sphere 2.0? The Democratic Qualities of Citizen Debates in Online Newspapers[Carlos Ruiz] -Correlates of Party, Ideology and Issue Based Extremity in an era of Egocentric Publics[Magdalena Wojcieszak][Hernando Rojas] -Nothing Is As Practical As a Good Theory: What Communication Research Can Offer to the Practice of Political Communication[Wolfgang Donsbach][Anne-Marie Brade] -Communicating Governments: A Three-Country Comparison of How Governments Communicate with Citizens[Karen Sanders] -The Media''s Role in America''s Exceptional Politics of Inequality: Framing the Bush Tax Cuts of 2001 and 2003[Carole V. Bell][Robert M. Entman] -The New "Media Affect" and the Crisis of Representation for Political Communication[Kevin G. Barnhurst] Rear Page