Cover Page Contents Research Articles -The Political Information Cycle in a Hybrid News System : The British Prime Minister and the "Bullygate" Affair[Andrew Chadwick] -Mediatization and Media Interventionism : A Comparative Analysis of Sweden and the United States[Jesper Stromback][Daniela V. Dimitrova] -The Tainted Hero : Frames of Domestication in Norwegian Press Representation of the Bali Climate Summit[Elisabeth Eide][Andreas Ytterstad] -Strategic Media, Cynical Public? Examining the Contingent Effects of Strategic News Frames on Political Cynicism in the United Kingdom[Dan Jackson] -Performance Journalism: A Three-Template Model of Television News[Joe Atkinson] Book Notes -Media Bias, Perspective, and State Repression: The Black Panther Party[Bernadette Barker-Plummer] -Going Local: Presidential Leadership in the Post-Broadcast Age[Matthew Eshbaugh-Soha] -Judicial Power and Strategic Communication in Mexico[Ivan Briscoe] -Internationalizing Media Studies[Paddy Scannell] Rear Page