Cover Page Editor-In-Chief Contents Articles -Institutionalizing Human Rights in Southeast Asia[John D. Ciorciari] -Local, National, and International Determinants of Truth Commission: The South Korean Experience[Hun Joon Kim] -Human Rights in Canadian Domestic and Foreign Politics: From"Niggardly Acceptance" to Enthusiastic Embrace[Dominique Clement] -Exporting Amnesty International the United States: Transatlantic Human Rights Activism in the 1960s[Sarah B. Snyder] -Governing Human Rights and Roma Inclusion: Can the Eu be a Catalyst for Local Social Change?[Eva Sobotka][Peter Vermeersch] -Fieldwork and its Ethical Chalenges: Reflections from Research in Bosnia[Janine Natalya Clark] -The UN Security Council and Response to Atrocities: International Criminal Law and the P-5[David P. Forsythe] -Considering Human Rights Films, Representation, and Ethics: Whose Face?[Sonia Tascon] Interview -Poets and Citizens: An Interview with the Editors of I Go to the Ruined Place: Contemporary Poems in Defense of Global Human Rights[Rhonda Pettit] Book Reviews -Human Rights and Religion: New Thinking, Religion and International Relations Theory (Jack Snyder ed.); The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere, by Judith Butler, Jurgen Habermas, Charles Taylor & Cornel West, Religion and the Global Politics of Human Rights (Thomas Banchoff & Robert Wuthnow eds.); Religion and Human Rights: An Introduction (John Witte Jr. & M. Christian Green eds.)[J. Paul Martin] -Accounting for Violence: Marketing Memory in Latin America (Ksenija Bilbija & Leigh A. Payne eds.); Radical Justice: Spain and the Southern Cone Beyond Market and State, by Luis Martin-Cabrera[Teresa Godwin Phelps] -Forging a Convention for Crimes Against Humanity (Leila Nadya Sadat ed.)[Kevin Jon Heller] -Joel Quirk, The Anti-Slavery Project: From the Slave Trade to Human Trafficking, by Joel Quirk[Matthew Lippman] -Michael Barnett, Empire of Humanity: A History of Humanitarianism, by Michael Barnett[Stephen R. Porter] -Humand Dignity in Bioethics and Law, by Charles Foster[Maya Sabatello] -Developing a Compromise: The Case for Universal Human Rights from a Cultural Perspective, How God Became African: African Spirituality and Western Secular Thought, by Gerrie ter Harr[Kathryn Elvey] -Contributors Rear Page