-Review of Jed W. Atkin's Cicero on Politics and the Limits of Reason : The -Review of Jonathan Israel's Revolutionary Ideas : An Intellectual History of the French Revolution from Cover Page Table of Contents Spring 2015 HARRY V. JAFFA : In Memoriam - 1918-2015[Robert P.Kraynak] Democracy under the Caliphs : Alfarabi's Unusual Understanding of Popular Rule[Alexander I. Orwin] Locke and the Fundamental Right to Preservation : on the Convergence of Charity and Property Rights[Juliana Udi] Between Nihilism and Transcendence : Camus's Dialogue with Dostoevsky[Sean Wing] Liberalism and the Interpretive Turn : Rival Approaches of Cross-Purposes?[Naomi Choi] Scholarly Exchange : -Why We Need Positive Liberlty[George Crowder] -Reply to Crowder-Gina Gustavsson[Gina Gustavsson] Announcement : -The Papers of Edward Goerner and Gerhart Niemeyer Review Essay : -American Religious Freedom Reflections on Koppelman and Smith[Michael J.Perry] Reviews : -Review of Lorraine Smith Pangle's Virtue Is Knowledge : The Moral Foundations of Socratic Political Philosophy[Gerald Mara] -Review of David N. Levy's Wily Elites and Spirited Peoples in Machiavelli's Republicanism[Markus Fischer] -Review of Jimmy Casas Klausen's Fugitive Rousseau : Slavery, Primitivism, and Political Freedom[Steven Johnston] -Review of Arthur Melzer's Philosophy between the Lines : The Lost History of Esoteric Writing[David Lewis Schaefer] -Review of Robert Howse's Leo Strauss : Man of Peace[Horst Mewes] -Review of Eliazbeth Beaumont's The Civic Constitution : Civic Visions and Struggles in the Path Toward Constitutional Democracy[Cyril Ghosh] -Review of Jeffrey A. Becker's Ambition in America : Political Power and the Collapse of Citizenship[Robert Faulkner] -Review of Axel Honneth's Freedom's Right : The Social Foundations of Democratic Life[Arto Laitinen] -Review of Giusepoe di Palma's The Modern State Subverted : Risk and the Deconstruction of Solidarity[Kean Birch] -Review of Archie Brown's The Myth of the Strong Leader : Political Leadership in Modern Age[Martha L. Merritt] -Review of Ralph A.Rossum's Understanding Clarence Thomas : The Jurisprudence of Constitutional Restoration[Gerald J. Russello] -Review of Stephen Eric Bronner's The Bigot : Why Prejudice Persists Richard Sakwa[Jonathan Allen] -Review of Daniel J. Mahoney's The Other Solzhenitsyn : Telling the Truth about a Misunderstood Writer and Thinker[Richard Sakwa] -Review of David Elstein's Democracy in Contemporary Confucian Philosophy and Sung Moon Kim's Confucian Democracy in East Asia : Theory and Practice[Brian Esparza Walker] -Review of Franklin Perkins's Heaven and Earth Are Not Homane : The Problem of Evil in Classical Chinese Philosophy[Peter R. Moody] Rear Page