Cover Page PREFACE CONTENTS List of Tables List of Figures Policy Recommendations 1. The ThaiElderlyPopulation -1.1 Size and trends of the elderly population --1.1.1 Size and trends of the elderly population during 1960-2030 -Table 1.1 Size and trends of the elderly population, 1960-2030 -Table 1.2 Indicators of population age structure, 1970-2030 -1.2 Age and gender structures of the elderly population -Table 1.3 Distribution of the elderly population classified by age groups, 2000-2030 -Table 1.4 Number of the older person aged 60 and over, 2000-2030 -Table 1.5 Number of population aged 60 and over, classified by gender, 2000-2030 -Table 1.6 Percentage of elderly women, classified by age group, 2000-2030 -Figure 1.1 Structrues of the age and gender of the elderly population, 2010-2020 -Figure 1.2 Percentage of the elderlypopulation aged 60 and over, 1960-2030 -Figure 1.3 Total fertility rates, 1960-2030 -1.3 Demographic determinants of population aging -Figure 1.4 Life expectancy at birth and at 60 years, 2005-2009 -Table 1.7 Life expectancy at birth, at 60, 65, and 80 years, 1950-2050 -1.4 Population aged 60 and over in 2010 (by civil registration data) -Table 1.8 Number and percentage of the elderly population aged 60 and over by the by civilregistration data in 2006 and 2010 -Table 1.9 Top 3 provinces (excluding Bangkok) with highest number and percentage ofpopulation aged 60 and over, according to the Civil Registration data in 2006 and 2010 -Table 1.10 Top 3 provinces (excluding Bangkok) with lowest number and percentage ofpopulation aged 60 and over, according to the Civil Registration data in 2006 and 2010 -Table 1.11 Characteristics of the elderly population aged 60 and over in 2006 and 2010 -Table 1.12 Number and percentage of population aged 100 and over, by civil registration data,on 2006 and 2010 -1.5 Population aged 100 and over in 2010 and the previous 5 years (by civilregistration data) 2. The ThaiElderly Socialand EconomicSituations -2.1 Health --2.1.1 Vulnerability in the elderly -Figure 2.1 Precentage of the older persons with smoking and drinking behaviors, 2003-2009 --2.1.2 Health behavior --2.2.1 Sources of income -Figure 2.2 Percentage of the older persons regularly engaging in the physical exercise, 2001-2009 -Figure 2.3 Elderly employment during a 6 year period (2005-2010), classified by gender -2.2 Income -Table 2.1 Percentage of the elderly, classified by employment status, 2005-2010 --2.2.2. Income -Figure 2.4 Elderly employment, classified by economic activities during 6 year period (2005-2010) -Table 2.2 Employment by the older persons, classified by economic activities, 2005-2010 -Figure 2.5 Elderly work status during a 6 year period (2005-2010) -Table 2.3 Elderly employment, classified by work status, 2005-2010 -Table 2.4 Number and percentage of working elderly, classified by average work hours, 2005-2010 -Figure 2.6 Elderly average weekly working hours, classified by gender, 2005-2010 -Table 2.5 Number of working elderly, classified by average monthly income, 2005-2010 -Figure 2.7 Elderly average monthly income during a 6 year period, classified by gender, 2005-2010 -Table 2.6 Number and percentage of elderly literacy and level of education, classified byadministrative districts in 2007 -2.3 Education -Table 2.7 Number and percentage of elderly having access to useful information duringa one-month period prior to the interview, classified by the source of information in 2007 3. Social welfaresystem forthe olderpersons -3.1 Provision of income security for the older persons --3.1.1 Old Age Pension Fund operated under the Social Security Fund -Table 3.1 Budget and number of older persons in the Allowance for the Elderly scheme during2003-2010 --3.1.2 Provident Fund --3.1.3 The Government Pension Fund --3.1.4 Original pension for government officials (PAYG system) --3.1.5 Community Welfare Fund --3.1.6 Allowance for the Elderly -Figure 3.1 The structure of income security for the older persons in Thailand --3.1.7 Welfare in the future -3.2 Social Services --3.2.1 Health -Figure 3.1 Access to health services by older persons, compared to other age groups --3.2.2 Education -Figure 3.2 Number and types of inpatients, classified by age groups -Figure 3.3 Number of surgery cases, classified by types of welfare -Table 3.2 Cases of admission of older persons under National Health Security welfare, classifiedby types of disease and regions -Figure 3.4 Rates of hospital admission with unnesscessary inpatient treatment -Figure 3.5 Hospital Length of stay in elderly by aged groups -Figure 3.6 Estimation of the health care expenditures in 3 situations and estimated expenditures -Table 3.3 Promotion of proper employment and vocational training, 2008-2010 --3.2.3 Employment -Table 3.4 Loan services provided to the older persons under the Older Fund, 2007-2010Year --3.2.4 Housing --3.2.5 Safety in life and property -Table 3.5 Services provided to the older persons (aged 60 and above) in 2010 --3.2.6 Public services and recreation -Table 3.6 Number of volunteers and older persons receiving care, 2006-2010 -3.3 Social assistance for the older persons --3.3.1 Home and community care of the older persons -Figure 3.7 Number of older person under care of the Social Welfare Development Center for OlderPersons --3.3.2 Institutional care for older persons -Figure 3.8 Number of older persons receiving social welfare services under institutional carecenters, the Department of Local Administration --3.3.3 Financial aid for the older persons -Table 3.7 Number of elderly inmates in correctional facilities conducting elderly development andlife quality promotion projects -Table 3.8 Number of older persons receiving funeral support -Table 3.11 Number of older persons receiving shelter, food, and clothing -3.4 Networking and Social Partnership 4. Research studyreport on ?Educationand lifelong learningfor the Thai olderpersons? -Table 4.1 Number and percentage of the conditions and needs regarding the goalsfor the administration of lifelong learning for the older persons, by various agencies and elderly clubs -Table 4.2 Number and percentage of the conditions and needs regarding the age groups forthe administration of lifelong learning for the older persons, by various agencies and elderly clubs -Table 4.3 Number and percentage of the conditions and needs regarding the career groups for theadministration of lifelong learning for the older persons, by various agencies and elderly clubs -Table 4.4 Number and percentage of the conditions and needs regarding the genders of the olderpersons participating in lifelong learning provided by various agencies and elderly clubs -Table 4.5 Number and percentage of the conditions and needs regarding the methods of approachto older persons by various agencies and elderly clubs -Table 4.6 Number and percentage of the conditions and needs regarding lifelong learning incentivesfor the older persons, by various agencies and elderly clubs -Table 4.7 Number and percentage of the conditions and needs regarding the learning content, byvarious agencies and elderly clubs -Table 4.8 Number and percentage of the conditions and needs regarding the learning content onsocal and emotional adaptation, by various agencies and elderly clubs -Table 4.9 Number and percentage of the conditions and needs regarding the learning content onsaving, by various agencies and elderly clubs -Table 4.10 Number and percentage of the conditions and needs regarding the learning content, byvarious agencies and elderly clubs -Table 4.11 Number and percentage of the conditions and needs regarding the content on the legalrights of the older persons, by various agencies and elderly clubs -Table 4.12 Number and percentage of the conditions and needs regarding the educatorsand teachers, by various agencies and elderly clubs -Table 4.13 Number and percentage of the conditions and needs regarding learning approaches,by various agencies and elderly clubs -Table 4.14 Number and percentage of the conditions and needs regarding the teachingtechniques, by various agencies and elderly clubs -Table 4.15 Number and percentage of the conditions and needs regarding the media andknowledge sources, by various agencies and elderly clubs -Table 4.16 Number and percentage of the conditions and needs regarding assessment,by various agencies and elderly clubs -Table 4.17 Number and percentage of the conditions and needs regarding the administration,by various agencies and elderly clubs -Table 4.18 Number and percentage of projects on lifelong learning for the older person in 2010 -Table 4.19 Number and percentage of types and objectives of projects on lifelong learning for theolder person -Table 4.19 Number and percentage of types and objectives of projects on lifelong learning for theolder person (continue) 5. Highlightsof the Year2010 -5.1 Honorary Senior Fellow 2010 (Professor Rapee Sagarik) -5.2 Older person as National Artists -5.3 The National Savings Fund 6. Directory ofresearch on theolder persons Rear Page