Cover Page PREFACE CONTENTS List of Tables List of Figures Policy Recommendations 1. The ThaiElderly Population -1.1 Size and trends of the elderly population between 1960-2030 -FIGURE1.1 Size of total population (per 1,000) and percentage of the population age 60years or over during 1960 to 2030 -1.2 Age and gender structure of the elderly population -FIGURE1.2 Population pyramid of population age 60 or over by gender and by age group -FIGURE1.3 Total Fertility Rate of Thailand during 1960-2030 -1.3 Population processes in the ageing population --1.3.1 Reduction of fertility -FIGURE1.4 Estimates of active life expectancy at age 60 years by gender for Thailand --1.3.2 Reduction in mortality -Table 1.1 Number and percentage of the population age 60 or over in 2003, 2006 and2009 -1.4 Population aged 60 years or above in 2009 (according to vital registration) --1.4.1 Size and proportion of population aged 60 years or above in 2004,2006 and 2009 -Table 1.2 The top 3 provinces (excluding Bangkok) with the highest total population,population age 60 or over and percentage of population age 60 or over inThailand in 2003, 2006 and 2009 --1.4.2 Geographical distribution of the population aged 60 years or above -FIGURE 1.5 Proportion of elderly by province in 2009 --1.4.3 Characteristics of population aged 60 years or above -Table 1.3 The provinces (excluding Bangkok) with the lowest total population age60 or over and percentage of population age 60 or over in Thailand in 2003,2006 and 2009 -Table 1.4 Characteristics of population age 60 or over in 2003, 2006 and 2009 -1.5 Population aged 100 years or above in 2009 (according to vital registration) --1.5.1 Number and proportion of elderly people aged 100 years or above in2004, 2006 and 2009 -Table 1.5 Number and percentage of population aged 100 or over in 2003, 2006and 2009 --1.5.2 Geographical distribution of the population aged 100 years or above -Table 1.6 The top 3 provinces (excluding Bangkok) with the highest number andpercentage of population age 100 or over in Thailand according to civilregistration data in 2003, 2006 and 2009 --1.5.3 Characteristics of the population aged 100 years or above -Table 1.7 The provinces (excluding Bangkok) with the lowest number and percentageof elderly aged 100 or over in 2003, 2006 and 2009 -Table 1.8 Characteristics of population age over 100 or over in 2003, 2006 and 2009 --2.1.1 Health problems or diseases from physical deterioration 2. The ElderlyHealth Situation -2.1 Health status of the elderly -FIGURE 2.1 Percentage of elderly in the self-assessment of health -FIGURE 2.2 Percentage distribution of the elderly in self-assessment of health classifiedby gender -FIGURE 2.3 Percentage distribution of the elderly in self-assessment of health classifiedby age group -FIGURE 2.4 Percentage distribution of the elderly in self-assessment of health classifiedby year -FIGURE 2.5 Percentage distribution of the elderly with cataract classified by genderand age group -FIGURE 2.6 Percentage distribution of the elderly with cataract classified by genderand administrative area -FIGURE 2.7 Percentage distribution of the elderly with cataract classified by genderand region and administrative area -FIGURE 2.8 Percentage distribution of the elderly with hearing impairment by gender -FIGURE 2.9 Percentage distribution of the elderly with hearing impairment by genderand age group and administrative area --2.1.2 The ability to do activities -FIGURE 2.10 Percentage distribution of the elderly with less than 20 functional teethby gender and age group -FIGURE 2.11 Percentage distribution of elderly with less than 20 functional teethclassified by gender and age group -FIGURE 2.12 Percentage of elderly able to do activities of daily living (ADL) -FIGURE 2.13 Percentage distribution of older persons with continent problem -FIGURE 2.14 Percentage of the elderly with limitations to do ADLs, classified by agegroup and number of limited ADLs -FIGURE 2.15 Percentage of the elderly with limitation to do activities of daily living,classified by gender and age group --2.1.3 Fall situation -FIGURE 2.16 Percentage of the elderly with limitations to do ADLs, classified by genderand administrative area -FIGURE 2.17 Percentage of elderly capable of doing instrumental activities of dailyliving (IADLs) -FIGURE 2.18 Percentage of the elderly with limitations to do IADLs,classified by age group -FIGURE 2.19 Percentage of the elderly with limitation to do IADLs, classified by genderand age group -FIGURE 2.20 Percentage of the elderly with limitation to do IADLs, classified by genderand administrative area -FIGURE 2.21 Percentage of elderly who experienced falls in the last 6 months, classifiedby gender and age group -FIGURE 2.22 The Number of falls experienced by an elderly during the last 6 months,classified by gender and age group -FIGURE 2.23 Locations where the elderly fell during the last 6 months (%),classified by gender -FIGURE 2.24 Locations where the elderly fell during the last 6 months (%), by genderand age group and administrative area -FIGURE 2.25 Percentage of the locations outside the house where the elderly havefallen during the last 6 months --2.3.2 Utilization of health services -FIGURE 2.26 Causes of falls in the elderly in the last 6 months (%) -FIGURE 2.27 The numbers of HIV-infected elderly by gender and year -2.2 Situation of AIDS in the elderly -Table 2.1 Percentage of elderly who had been ill within the last month before theaccording to gender and age -FIGURE 2.28 The numbers of deaths from HIV/AIDs in the elderly by gender and year -2.3 Morbidity and health service utilization -2.3.1 Morbidity -Table 2.2 Percentage of elderly suffered from accident and injuries within the pastmonth before the interview according to gender and age -Table 2.3 Top 3 causes of accident or injuries last suffered by the elderly (the mostrecent event), classified by gender and age group. -Table 2.4 Percentage of elderly with chronic illnesses classified by gender andage group -FIGURE 2.29 The top 5 diseases or illnesses in the elderly (the most recent beforethe interview -Table 2.5 Percentage of elderly utilizing medical services for their chronic conditionswithin the last month, classified by gender and age -FIGURE 2.30 The top 3 chronic diseases in elderly, classified by year -Table 2.6 Percentage of causes of ill-health suffered by the elderly, classified by andgender age group -Table 2.7 Percentage of elderly who were prevented to do their daily routineactivities by their illnesses (the most recent event), classified by genderand age -Table 2.8 Percentage of utilization of non-curative health service by the elderly,classified by gender and age -Table 2.9 Percentage of elderly utilizing in-patient services during the past 12 months,classified by gender and age group --2.4.1 Eating behavior -Table 2.10 Proportion of causes of in-patient admission by the elderly (the most recentadmission), classified by gender and age -FIGURE 2.31 Types of health services facilities utilized by the elderly for in-patientservice (the most recent), classified b gender and age group -FIGURE 2.32 Reasons for utilizing the health facilities of choice by the elderly forin-patient service (most recent) -Table 2.11 Percentage of elderly who utilized dental services within the past 12 monthsbefore the interview, classified by gender and age -FIGURE 2.33 The length of stay in hospital per admission by the elderly (most recent),classified by gender -FIGURE 2.34 Health service facilities used by the elderly for dental services (mostrecent), classified by gender -FIGURE 2.35 Types of the dental services used by the elderly (most recent), classified bygender -Table 2.12 Percentage of healt -2.4 Health behavior of the elderly -Table 2.13 Percentage of type and frequency of dietary intake by the elderly -FIGURE 2.36 Number of main meals consumed by the in elderly -FIGURE 2.37 FIGURE 2.37 Taste of food consumed by the elderly --2.4.2 Smoking and drinking behavior -Table 2.14 Percentage of frequency of dietary intake by the elderly -FIGURE 2.38 Reasons for food consumption between meals by the elderly -Table 2.15 Number and Average age of initiation of smoking (with standard deviation orSD) in elderly smokers, classified by gender and age group -FIGURE 2.39 Percentage of the elderly who smoked, classified by age group -FIGURE 2.40 Percentage of elderly who smoked, classified by gender and --2.4.3 Physical activities -Table 2.16 Number of cigarettes smoked per day in regular elderly smokers, classifiedaccording to gender and age group -FIGURE 2.41 Percentage of the elderly who consumed alcohol during the last 12 months,classified by gender and age group -Table 2.17 Number and average age of initiation for alcohol consumption (with SD)of drinking elderly, classified by gender and age group -FIGURE 2.42 Percentage of elderly undertaking physical activities, classified by age groupand intensity -FIGURE 2.43 Percentage of elderly taking insufficient physical activities, classified bygender and age group -FIGURE 2.44 Percentage of the elderly who exercised, classified by gender and age group -FIGURE 2.45 Types of exercise undertaken by the elderly (Top 5) -Table 2.18 Proportions elderly in the 3 health care schemes -FIGURE 2.46 Rate of utilization of in-patient service by the elderly 2006 - 2009, classified byage group -2.5 Access and utilization of curative health service in the elderly population --2.5.1 The proportion of elderly people sorted according to schemes --2.5.2 The utilization rate for in-patient service -Table 2.19 Types of illnesses and injuries which led to admission for the elderly,classified by age -FIGURE 2.47 Rate of hospital admission of elderly in universal coverage (UC) schemeand civil servant Civil servants? medical benefit scheme (CSMBS) in fiscalyear 2009 --2.5.3 Types of complaints as reasons for service utilization -FIGURE 2.48 Average relative weight of diagnosis related groups (DRG) by age group infiscal year 2006-2009 --2.5.4 In-patient care expenditure according to age group -FIGURE 2.49 The annual expenditure of elderly patients who died or survived by age group(1 RW = 10,000 Baht) --3.2.1 Provision of financial welfare for the elderly 3. Elderly careand welfare -3.1 Policy implementation on the care and welfare for the elderly -3.2 Provision of welfare, security and financial aid for the elderly -Table 3.1 Information on Community Welfare Funds (as of January 2010) -Table 3.2 Number of basic pensioners and the allocated budget -Table 3.3 Number of basic pensioner in 2009 fiscal year, classified by region -Table 3.4 Number of programs and loans supported by the Elderly Funds -Table 3.5 Number of elderly who received assistance on accommodation,food and clothes -Table 3.6 Number of elderly who received funeral allowance -3.3 Health and social care for the elderly at home and community --3.3.1 Home health care for the elderly --3.3.2 Health Promoting Temple --3.3.3 Community mental health care for the elderly -Table 3.7 Number of elderly care volunteers and the elderly under their care --3.3.4 Home elderly care for group with high dependency -3.4 Support for volunteer in the provision of home and community care forthe elderly --3.4.1 Home care volunteers for the elderly -Table 3.8 Performance of ?Friends help Friends? program in 2008-9 --3.4.2 ?Friends help friends? volunteer -3.5 Participation of elderly people in social activities --3.5.1 Community all-purpose centers for the elderly --3.5.2 Social service center for the elderly in Dindaeng (Bangkok) -3.6 Creating a suitable environment in the community for the elderly --4.8.1 Problems in workplace -FIGURE 3.1 Numbers of elderly under care of Social Welfare Development Centers -FIGURE 3.2 Number of elderly under care of Elderly Welfare Facilities (Nursing Home) -3.7 Elderly care in institutions -Table 3.9 Number of elderly inmates in correctional facilities which had developmentand quality of life promotion for elderly inmates -Table 3.10 Provision justice clinics nationwide -3.8 Legal services and elderly care in correctional facilities -3.9 Overview of elderly care and welfare provision 4. Employment,income andsaving in theelderlypopulation -FIGURE 4.1 Employment rate in the elderly between 2004-2009 -4.1 Employment -Table 4.1 Employment status of the elderly between 2004-2009 -FIGURE 4.2 Employment rate of elderly between 2004-2009, classified by gender -4.2 Economic activities -Table 4.2 Percentage of economic activities undertaken by the elderly between 2004-2009 -FIGURE 4.3 Economic activities undertaken by the elderly between 2004-2009 -4.3 Employment status -Table 4.3 Percentage of working elderly 2004-2009, classified by employment status -FIGURE 4.4 Employment status of working elderly between 2004-2009 -FIGURE 4.5 Average monthly salary of elderly between 2004-2009, classified by gender -4.4 Income and working hours -FIGURE 4.6 Average working hours per week in elderly between 2004-2009, classified bygender -Table 4.4 Average monthly wage and weekly working hours of the elderly, classified bygender, area of residence and region -4.5 Employment in the informal sector -Table 4.5 Number and percentage of elderly workers in the formal and informalsectors 2007-9, classified by gender -4.6 Occupational injuries and accidents in the elderly -Table 4.6 Percentage of elderly informal sector workers who suffered fromoccupational hazards, classified by gender and types -Table 4.7 Percentage of severity of occupational injuries suffered by elderly informalworkers between 2007-9, classified by gender -4.7 The extent of injuries/accidents suffered by the elderly and health careutilization -Table 4.8 Percentage of source of financing for in-patient health care used as a result ofoccupational injuries between 2007-9, classified by gender and scheme -4.8 Problems in informal sector employment -Table 4.9 Percentage of elderly who had problems at work between 2007-9, classified bygender and type of problem --4.8.2 Problems with environmental working conditions -Table 4.10 Percentage of elderly suffering from environmental problems in workplacebetween 2007-9, classified by gender and type of problems --4.8.3 Problems with occupational safety -Table 4.11 Percentage of elderly who had safety problems at work between 2007-9, classifiedby gender and cause of problems -4.9 Protection, promotion of quality of life, saving, and appropriatevocational training and support --5.1.1 Media outlets and learning centers -Table 4.12 Labour protection and support of elderly 2007-2009 -4.10 The situation on saving in Thailand -Table 4.13 Income and saving in Thailand -4.11 The National Saving Funds -Table 4.14 Estimate of Thai Population Diagram 4.1 Structure of Multi-Pillar National Saving for Elderly System 5.Access toeducational aidand the processof life-longlearning -5.1 ?Study at your convenience? and access to news and information for theelderly -Table 5.1 Number and percentage of elderly who used ?study at your convenience?,classified by region and fiscal year -Table 5.2 Number and percentage of elderly who take non-formal education at primary andsecondary level 2007-9, classified by region and fiscal year -5.2 Life-long learning model for the elderly --5.2.1 Education on the ageing process from childhood --5.2.2 Non-formal education for the elderly -Table 5.3 Number and percentage of elderly in higher education 2007-9*, classified by yearand level of education -Table 5.4 Number and percentage of elderly in higher education in 2009, classified by type ofuniversity --5.2.3 Higher education in the elderly -Table 5.5 Number and percentage of elderly in continuous education (short courses)2007-9, classified by activities --5.2.4 Continuous Education (short courses) for the elderly -Table 5.6 Summary of results on Non-Formal Education and ?Study At Your Convenience? programs for elderly 2009, classified by region --6.1.1 Occupational capacity 6. Capacityof the elderly -6.1 Capacity of the elderly to work and earn income -Table 6.1 Amount of loan from the Elderly Funds lended by the elderly in 2009 --6.1.2 Income earning capacity -Table 6.2 Nature of Occupation which the individual loans were used for -Table 6.3 Nature of occupation which group loans were used for -Table 6.4 Number of social clubs for the elderly in the Senior Citizen Council Network -6.2 Capacity of the elderly to develop individually and collectively -Table 6.5 Type of activities supported by the Elderly Fund and amount of budgetapproved -6.3 Social honors achieved by elderly people --6.3.1 National Senior Citizen Award --6.3.2 Other honors -6.4 Capacity of the elderly to pass on knowledge and conservation --6.4.1 Elderly knowledge bank program --6.4.2 Teacher of Thai Wisdom --6.4.3 Elderly ?brain bank? volunteer --6.4.4 Extension of mandatory retirement age of lecturer in universities --6.4.5 ?Learn Art with the National Artists? program 7. Crucial Developmentof the Situation onthe Elderly in 2009 -7.1 National Senior Citizen of 2009: Professor Poonsub Nopawongse -7.2 Amendment of the 2nd National Plan for Senior Citizen (2002-2021) -Table 7.1 Number of primary and secondary interventions and indices measuringprogress of the strategies in the National Plan for Senior Citizens beforeand after amendment -7.3 Elderly long-term care: From the National Senior Citizen Assembly to theNational Health Assembly -7.4 Elderly Situation in 2009 as reported in the media -FIGURE7.1 News on the elderly in 2009, classified by month --7.4.1 Type of news and elderly situation --7.4.2 Sources of news 8. List of researchon the Elderlyin 2009 Appendix Rear Page