Cover Page PREFACE CONTENTS Tables FIGURE Flow Chart 1. PolicyRecommendations -1. The Elderly in Thailand --1.1 Trends in the total populationof elderly during 1960 to 2030 ---1.1.1 Level and composition of theelderly population -Figure 1.1 Number of total population and population age 60 years or over (per 1,000)during 1960 to 2030 ---1.1.2 Speed of growth of the elderlypopulation -Figure 1.2 Percent increase in the total and elderty population age 60 or over between1990 and 2030 using the 1980 population as base -Figure 1.3 Speed of aging of the population: number of years for the proportion of thepopulation age 65 or old to double from 7% to 14% ---1.1.3 Age and sex structure of the elderlypopulation -Table 1.1 Percent distribution of the population age 60 or over by age and sex from 2000to 2030 -Figure 1.4 Total fertility rate and percent of the population age 60 years or over : 1960-2030 --1.2 Demographic factorsaffecting aging of the population ---1.2.1 Declines in fertility ---1.2.2 Declines in mortality -Table 1.2 Life expectancy at birth, age 60, 65, and 80 by sex from the United Nationsapopulation projections -Figure 1.5 Life expectancy of the population at age 60 years by sex. Estimates by theNational Statistical Office and the Population Plans of the United Nations ---1.3.1 Age structure of the population -Table 1.3 Life expectancy (LE) and active life expectancy (ALE): number of years ofdependent living by sex, 2002 and 2007 --1.3 Changes in the structure ofthe population -Figure 1.6 Population pyramids for Thailand : 1990, 2000, 2008 and 2030 ---1.3.2 Aging index -Table 1.4 Number of population age 0-14, 15-59, and 60+ years from 1970-2030 -Figure 1.7 Percent population by three generational age groups: 1970 - 2030 -Table 1.5 Aging index, median age, and potential support ratio of the Thai population :1950 - 2030 -Table 1.6 Percent distribution of the population among three age groups and aging indexby urban/rural and sub-national regions of Thailand in 2007 ---1.3.3 Median Age ---1.3.4 Potential Support Ratio ---1.3.5 Rate of change of the size of theelderly population -Figure 1.8 Rate of increase of the total and elderly populations : 1960-2030 --1.4 Age-sex structure of the elderlypopulation ---1.4.1 The aging of the elderly population --1.5 Vulnerabilities of the elderly -Figure 1.9 Number of elderly population: 2000 - 2030 -Figure 1.10 Percent distribution of the population age 60 or over by age group : 2000-2030 ---1.4.2 The surplus of elderly women -Figure 1.11 Percent distribution of the elderly female population by age: 2000-2030 -Figure 1.12 Percent of the population age 60 or over currently married by age and sex: 2007 -Figure 1.13 Percent of elderly living along or only with a spouse: 1986-2007 --2.2.1 Mental Health of Older Persons -Table 1.7 Percent of the population age 60 or over living alone or only with a spouse bylocation of residence of the most proximal child: 2007 -Table 1.8 Percent distribution of the population by number of living children of thepopulation age 60 or over, age group, sex and urban/rural location of residence: 2007 -Figure 1.14 Percent of elderly living in the some houshold as a child 1986-2007 -Figure 1.15 Percent of children elderly living in a different Province in 1995 and 2007 -Figure 1.16 Percent of the population age 60 years or over living in skip-generationhouseholds by urban/rural: 1994 and 2007 2. The Elderly Health Situation -2.1 Health Conditions of OlderPersons -Figure 2.1 Percentages of Older Persons in Self Health Assessment, 2008 -Figure 2.2 Percentages Distribution of Older Persons on Self Health AssessmentClassified by Gender, 2008 -Figure 2.3 Percentages Distribution of Older Persons on Self Health AssessmentClassified by Age Group, 2008 -Figure 2.4 Percentages Distribution of Older Persons on Self Health Assessment, 2008 -Figure 2.5 Percentages Distribution of Older Persons on Eyesight ProblemsClassified by Sex and Age Groups, 2008 -Figure 2.6 Percentages Distribution of Older Persons on Eyesight ProblemsClassified by Sex and Age Groups, 2008 -Figure 2.7 Percentages of Older Persons? Capabilities on Activity of Daily Living, 2008 -Figure 2.8 Percentage Distribution of Older Persons with Continent Problem, 2008 -Figure 2.9 Illnesses of Older Persons Classified by 298 Diseases, Fiscal Year 2008 -Figure 2.10 Percentages of Older Patients Classified by First 6 Diseases and Sex, FiscalYear 2008 -Figure 2.11 Percentages of Older Patients Classified by Fist 6 Diseases and Age Group,Fiscal Year 2008 -Figure 2.12 Injuries of Older Persons Caused by External Causes, Fiscal Year 2008 -Figure 2.13Percentages of Older Persons Injured from the First 5 External CausesClassified by Sex, Fiscal Year 2008 -Figure 2.14Percentages of Older Persons Injured from the First 5 External CausesClassified by Group, Fiscal Year 2008 -Figure 2.15 Mental Health Levels of Thai Older Persons Classified by Sex, 2008Note : -2.2 Overall Mental Health ofOlder Persons -Table 2.1 Mental Health Scores of Thai Older Persons Classified by Education Level, 2008 -Table 2.2 Mental Health Scores of Thai Older Persons Classified by Frequency in UsingReligious Doctrines as Guidelines for Life and Work, 2008 --2.2.2 Psychiatric Problems, Dementia,and Depression of Older Persons -Table 2.3Numbers and Percentages of Older Persons with Psychiatric Problems Classifiedby Year, Sex, and Patient Category -Table 2.4 Numbers and Percentages of Older Persons with Psychiatric ProblemsClassified by Age, Sex, and Patient Category, 2008 -Table 2.5 Numbers and Percentages of Older Persons with Dementia Classified by Year,Age, and Patient Category -Table 2.6 Numbers and Percentages of Older Persons with Dementia Classified by Age,Sex and Patient Category, 2008 --2.6.1 Classification of Disability -Figure 2.16 Depression in Older Persons Classified by Sex and Age Group, 2008 -Figure 2.17 Depression in Older Persons Classified by Sex and Age Group, 2008 -2.3 Older Persons with HIV -Figure 2.18 Number of Death of Older Persons with HIV Classified by Sex -Figure 2.19 Percentage of In-Patient Older Persons Classified by Sex and Age Group,Fiscal Year 2008 -2.4 Hospital Admission -Figure 2.20 Average Hospital Stays of In-Patient Older Persons Classified by Sex andAge Group, Fiscal Year 2008 -Figure 2.21 Average Hospital Stays of In-Patient Older Persons Classified by 298Diseases, Fiscal Year 2008 -Figure 2.22 Average Hospital Stays by the first 6 Diseases with less than 5 Hospital Stays,Fiscal Year 2008 -Table 2.7 Numbers and Percentages of Older Persons Classified by Health CareCoverage and Age Groups, Fiscal Year 2008 -Figure 2.23 Number of Older Persons Classified by Health Care Coverages -Table 2.8 Numbers and Average Expenses of In-patient Older Persons Using UniversalHealth Security Card Coverage -Figure 2.24 Percentage Distribution of Older Persons on Smoking Frequency, 2008 -2.5 Health Behaviors ofOlder Persons -Figure 2.25 Percentage Distribution of Older Persons on Smoking Frequency Classified byGender, 2008 -Figure 2.26 Percentage Distribution of Older Persons on Smoking Frequency Classified byAge Group, 2008 -Figure 2.27 Percentage Distribution of Older Persons on Drinking Frequency, 2008 -Figure 2.28 Percentage Distribution of Older Persons on Drinking Frequency Classifiedby Gender, 2008 -Figure 2.29 Percentage Distribution of Older Persons on Drinking Frequency Classifiedby Age Group, 2008 -2.6 Disability Conditions ofOlder Persons -Table 2.9 Number of Older Persons and Disabled Older Persons, Percentage of DisableOlder Persons Classified by Age Group, Sex, and Administrative Region, 2007 -Figure 2.30 Percentage of Disabled Older Persons Classified by Age Group, Sex,Administrative Region, and Region, 2008 -Table 2.10 Percentage of Disabled Older Persons Classified by Disability, Age Group,Sex, Administrative Region, and Region, 2007 --2.6.2 Older Persons with Difficulty inActivity of Daily Living and Caregiver -Figure 2.31 Percentage Distributions of Older Persons Classified by Levels of Difficultiesand Problems in Self Care on Activity of Daily Living, 2007 -Figure 2.32 Percentage of Older Persons with Difficulty in Self Care for Activity of DailyLiving and with Caregiver Classified by Caregiver?s Age Group -Figure 2.33 Percentage of Older Persons Receiving Major Government Welfare on HeathCare Classified by Types of Welfare --2.6.3 Utilization of Major GovernmentWelfare on Health Care. --2.6.4 Need on Government Assistanceand Welfare by Caregiver -Figure 2.34 Percentage of Caregivers in Needs of Government Aid or Welfare Classifiedby the first Seven Types of Assistances, 2007 --3.1.1 Home health care volunteers 3. Elderly Care and Welfare -Table 3.1 Percentage Distributions of Residencies for Older Persons 1994, 2002, and 2007 -3.1 Home and Community BasedElderly Care -Table 3.2 Numbers of Volunteers and Older Persons under Caregiving Project --3.1.2 Multi-purpose centers for olderpersons in community --3.1.3 Promotion of quality of life forolder persons in the community --3.1.4 Home health care --3.1.5 Health promotion via temples --3.1.6 Older persons clubs -Table 3.3 Numbers of Older Persons Clubs Classified by Regions -Table 3.4 Performance of ?Friends Help Friends? Project in 2008 --3.1.7 ?Friends Help Friends? volunteerproject --3.1.8 Community Welfare Funds forthe Elderly -Table 3.5 Data of Community Welfare Funds at National Level --3.1.9 Development of Elderly MentalHealth Care Systems --3.1.10 Promotion of elderly participationand development -3.2 Institutional elderly care --3.2.1 Social welfare development centerfor older persons -Figure 3.1 Numbers of Older Persons under Care of Social Welfare Development Centerfor Older Persons --3.2.2 Social service centers for older persons -Table 3.6 Numbers of Older Persons under Care of Governmental Homes for the Aged,the Department of Local Administration --3.2.3 Governmental Homes for the Aged --3.2.4 Care Centers for Older Personsby Private and Public Organizations -Table 3.7* Numbers and Percentages of Institutions Classified by Regions and Types ofServices -Table 3.8 Numbers of Older Persons Being Rescued from Danger, Abuse, and TakingAdvantage -3.3 Assistances forUnderprivileged Older Persons --3.3.1 Assistances for Underprivilegedand Suffered Older Persons at the NationalLevel -Table 3.9 Numbers of Older Persons Receiving Assistances in Residency, Foods,and Clothing -Table 3.10 Numbers of Older Persons Being Supported on Funeral Ceremonies -3.4 Improvement on life andspiritual quality for elderly prisoners -Table 3.11 Numbers of Elderly prisoners and Prisons/Penitentiaries Participating inImprovement on Quality of life and Development for Elderly Prisoners -3.5 The Elderly Fund -Table 3.12 Numbers of Projects and Loans Supported by the Elderly Fund -Table 3.13 Numbers of Older Persons Receiving Subsistent Allowances and Budgets -3.6 Subsistent allowances forolder persons --3.6.1 Subsistent allowances for olderpersons: The Ministry of Interior --3.6.2 Subsistent allowances for olderpersons : Bangkok Metropolitan Administration -Table 3.14 Top Three Districts with Highest Number of Older Persons (aged 60 yearsand above), and Top Three Dis ricts with Highest Number of Older PersonsReceiving Subsistent Allowances -3.7 Public service and recreation --3.7.1 The Ministry of Interior --3.7.2 The Ministry of Transport --3.7.3 The Ministry of Natural Resourcesand Environment --3.7.4 The Ministry of Tourism and Sports -Flow Chat 3.1 Elderly Care and Welfare Systems --4.8.1 Problem at work 4 Health Situationof Older Persons -4.1 Labor forces -Table 4.1 Percentages of Older Persons Classified by Labor Forces, 2003-2008 -Figure 4.1 Trends in Percentages of Older Persons? Labor Forces in Six Years (2003-2008) -Figure 4.2 Trends in Percentages of Older Persons? Labor Forces in Six Years (2003-2008)Classified by Sexes -4.2 Economic activities -Table 4.2 Percentages of Working Older Persons Classified by Economic Activities, 2003-2008 -Figure 4.3 Trends in Percentages of Working Older Persons in Six Years (2003-2008)Classified by Economic Activities -4.3 Employment status -Table 4.3 Percentages of Working Older Persons Classified by Employment Statuses, 2003-2008 -Figure 4.4 Trends in Employment Status of Older Persons in Six Years (2003-2008) -4.4 Incomes and working hours -Table 4.4Numbers and Percentages of Working Older Persons Classified by AverageIncomes and Working Hours, 2003-2008 -Figure 4.5 Trends in Average Monthly Incomes of Older Persons in Six Years Classifiedby Sex (2003-2008) -Figure 4.6 Trends in Average Weekly Working Hours of Older Persons in Six YearsClassified by Sexes (2003-2008) -4.5 Informal employment -Table 4.5 Numbers and Percentages of Working Older Persons Classified by LaborCategories and Sexes, 2006-2008 -Table 4.6 Percentages of Older Persons Working in Informal Sectors Classified by Injuriesor Accidents during 12 Months Prior to Interview Dates, Types of Injuries, and Sex2006-2008 -4.6 Occupational injuries andaccidents -Table 4.7 Percentages of Older Persons Injured/in Accidents Classified by Levels ofSeverity, Medical Welfare Using for Hospital Admission, and Sex, 2006-2008 -4.7 Levels of injuries/ accidentsand medical welfares -4.8 Working problems in informalsectors -Table 4.8 Percentages of Older Persons Having Problems at Work Classified by Types ofProblems and Sex, 2006-2008 -Table 4.9 Percentages of Older Persons Having Problems from Working EnvironmentClassified by Types of Problems and Sex, 2006-2008 --4.8.2 Problems from working environment -Table 4.10 Percentages of Older Persons Having Problems from Unsafe Works Classifiedby Sources of Problems and Sex, 2006-2008 --4.8.3 Problems from unsafe work -4.9 Protection, promotion, andsupport on suitableoccupation and skill training forolder persons --4.12.1 Current saving systems for olderpersons -Table 4.11 Protection, Promotion, and Support on Suitable Occupation and Skill Trainingfor Older Persons, 2007-2008 -4.10 Poverty of older persons -Table 4.12 Proportions and Numbers of Poor Populations Classified by Areas, Age Groups,2004, 2006, and 2007 -Table 4.13 Proportions and Numbers of Poor Households Classified by Ages of FamilyHead and Areas, 2004-2007 -4.11 Country?s income and savingsituations -Table 4.14 Income and Saving in Thailand -4.12 Savings of older persons -Flow Chart 4.1 Multi-Pillar Saving Structures for Older Persons --5.1.1 Radios and televisions -Table 4.15 Numbers of Insured Persons and Entrepreneurs in Social Security Fund -Table 4.16 Numbers of Members and Amounts of Government Pension Fund, 2001-2008 -Table 4.17 Status of Provident Fund, 2001-2008 -Table 4.18 Status of Retirement Mutual Funds, 2002-2008 5. Access to Information,Education, and LifetimeLearning -5.1 Access to information byolder persons -Figure 5.1 Percentages of Older Persons Classified by Access Channels, 1989-2008 -Figure 5.2 Percentages of Older Persons Classified by Access Channels, 2008 --5.2.1 Education and promotion onlearning by public sector -Table 5.1 Percentages of Older Persons Listened to Radio and Watching TelevisionsClassified by Programs, 2008 -Table 5.2 Percentages of Older Persons Watching Television and/or Listening to RadioClassified by Programs, 2008 -5.2 Education and promotion onlifetime learning -Table 5.3 Summaries of Operations of Formal, Non-formal, and Informal EducationPrograms for Older Persons in the Fiscal Year 2008 by the Ministry of Education -Table 5.4Numbers and Percentages of Older Persons Attending Basic Non-formal Educationat Primary and High School Levels Classified by Regions, Fiscal Year 2007-2008 -Table 5.5 Numbers and Percentages of Older Persons Attending Informal EducationClassified by Educational Activities, Fiscal Year 2006-2008 -Table 5.6 Numbers and Percentages of Older Persons Attending Informal EducationClassified by Regions, Fiscal Year 2007-2008 -Figure 5.3 Non-formal and Informal Activities for Older Persons, 2008 -Figure 5.4 Non-Formal and Informal Education Activities for Pre Aging Group, 2008 -Table 5.7 Numbers of Students Aged 60 and Above Attending Higher Education Classifiedby Academic Years, 2006-2008, and Education Levels -Table 5.8 Numbers of Students Aged 60 and Above Attending Higher Education Classifiedby Categories of Universities in Academic Year 2008 -Table 5.9 Lists of Lectures for Older Persons by Special Educational Programs for OlderPersons in the Fiscal Year 2007 -Table 5.10 Summary of Utilization of Justice Clinic Services by Older Persons (Aged 60 andabove) in the Fiscal Year 2008 --5.2.2. Promotion on education and learningof Older Persons by Private Organizations --5.2.3 Information and access to welfareservices by older persons -Flow Chart 5.1 Procedure for Legal Assistance and Petition Filing for Older Persons andAssistance for Public Requesting Services from Provincial Justice Clinic --6.1.1 Older persons at national level 6. Potential of Older Persons -6.1 Potential in administration -Table 6.1 Numbers of Older Persons as Senators, Members of Parliament, and Members ofCabinet -Table 6.2 Numbers of Older Persons as Experts, Political Consultants, and NationalCommittees Classified by Ministries --6.1.2 Older persons as nationalcommittees --6.1.3 Older persons at regional andlocal levels -Table 6.3 Numbers of Older person clubs,2008 -Table 6.4 Numbers of Older Persons asFellows in the Royal Institute Classified byDisciplines -6.2 Potential in social participation -6.3 Potential in intellectualconservation and transfer --6.3.1 Brain bank volunteers -Table 6.5 Numbers of Older PersonsRegistered as Cooperative Auditors --6.3.2 Intellectual repository of older persons --6.3.3 Cooperative Auditing Department --6.3.4 The Ministry of Education -Table 6.6 Number of Active Ageing in Knowledge Transfer Classified by Organizations in 2008 --6.3.5 Bangkok metropolitan administration -6.4 Social recognition --6.4.1 National senior fellow --6.4.2 National artists -Table 6.7 National Artists Receiving Awardson National Artist Day --6.4.3 Recognition with internationalawards -6.5 Values and potential of olderpersons in community --7.2.1 Performance on elderly workaccording to indices in the first 5 yearsof the 2nd National Elderly Plan (2002-2006)on the following 5 strategies; 7. Outstanding Situationof Older persons in 2008 -7.1 Honorary Senior Fellow 2008Professor Dr. Sem Pringpuangkaew* -7.2 Construction of monitoringand assessment system for the2nd National Elderly Plan(2002-2021) -Table 7.1 Index assessments according to 5 strategies of the National Elderly Plan aresummarized as follows --7.2.2 Assessment on working processesfor elderly work according the strategy no. 4(Administrative management for developmentof older persons at the national level anddevelopment of personnel related to olderpersons) --7.2.3 Construction of monitoring andassessment system for elderly work -7.3 Situation of Older Persons in2008 from Mass Media --7.3.1 Types of News and Situation ofOlder Persons --7.3.2 Sources of elderly news --7.3.3 Interest of Press media on elderlynews Annex -1. Researches on Elderly Care -2. Labor Force Survey 2003-2008 -3. Roles of Department of LocalAdministration in Promoting andDeveloping Potential of Older Personsand Underprivileged -4. Missions According to Notificationsof Ministry of Education -5. List of the Committee of Compilationof the 2008 Situation Report ofThai Older Persons Rear Page