Cover Page Preface Content Contents of Tables Contents of Diagrams Contents of Pictures Cahpter 1 Information on Older Persons -1.1 Population Growth and Fertility -Table 1 Older Population Growth Rate and Fertility -1.2. Size and Trend of Older Persons -Table 2 Number of Total Populations, Number and Percentages of Persons Aged 60 yearsand more, Number and Percentages of Persons Aged 80 years and more, and theMedian Age as of B.E. 2493-2593 -Diagram 1 Percentages of Population aged 60 years and over, and Population aged 80 yearsand over -Table 3 Life Expectancy of Thai People -1.3. Life Expectancy -Table 4 Aging Indexes of Thailand 2004 - 2035 -1.4. Aging Index -1.5. Ageing Dependency Ratio -Diagram 2 Total Dependency Ratio, Youth Dependency Ratio and Old-age Dependency Ratio -Table 5 The Total Dependency Ratio, the Youth Dependency Ratio, and the Old-ageDependency Ratio as of the Years 1950-2050 -1.6. Potential Support Ratio -Diagram 3 Potential Support Ratio 1960 - 2035 -1.7. Number of Older Persons in 2006 (pursuant to the Population Register) -Table 6 Number & Percentages of Thai Older Persons 2006 -Table 7 The First 3 Provinces which have the largest number of populations, the populationaged 60 years and more, and the highest percentage of the population aged 60 yearsand more, excluding Bangkok, pursuant to the Population Registers as of 2002 and2006 -Table 8 The First 3 Provinces which have the smallest number of populations, the populationaged 60 years and more, and the lowest percentage of the population aged 60 yearsand more, excluding Bangkok, pursuant to the Population Registers as of 2002 and2006 -Table 9 Percentages of Populations aged 60 years and more, classifi ed by their maritalstatus, genders, and ages in the years 2002 and 2006 -1.8. The Aspects of the Older Population -Table 10 Aspects of the Older Population, in 2002 and 2006 -1.9. Signifi cant Aspects of Older Population -Table 11 Percentages of Various Groups of the Older Population in 2006 Chapter 2 The Thai Elderly Health Situation -2.1. Health of Older Persons -Table 12 Percentages of the Population who are ill of chronic disease classifi ed according toage groups, administration areas and regions of the Country in 2007 -Table 13 Percentages of the Old Age Group with chronic disease classifi ed according to ages,genders and administration areas -Table 14 Percentages of the Old Age Group with chronic disease classifi ed according togenders and administration areas -Diagram 4 Percentages of the Old Age Group with chronic disease compared according to theiryears of age, 2005-2006 -Table 15 Percentages of the Population who are ill of chronic disease classifi ed according toyears and the top 5 often found diseases -Diagram 5 Trends of Percentages of the Old Age Group with the top 5 chronic diseases in3 years? period (2004 - 2006) -Diagram 6 Forecast of Prevalence of Dementia in Thailand 2005 - 2050 -Diagram 7 Prevalence (Percentages) of the Old Age Group with Dementia classifi ed accordingto age groups -Table 16 Number of Persons who are ill of AIDS classifi ed according to age groups and genders -Diagram 8 Trends of Numbers of Older Persons who are ill of AIDS compared in 3 years (2004-2006) -Table 17 Percentages of Older Persons with sight problems classifi ed according to genders,administration areas and regions of the Country -Table 18 Percentages of the incidents of falling within 6 months prior to the interviews,classifi ed according to genders, administration areas and regions of the Country -Table 19 Percentages of the incidents of illness during 1 month prior to the interviewsclassifi ed according to age groups, administration areas and regions of the Country -Table 20 Percentages of the incidents of illness during 1 month prior to the interviewsclassifi ed according to ages, genders and administration areas -Table 21 Percentages from Comparison of the Elderly Health Condition -Table 22 Percentages from Self-assessment of Severity of Health by Older Intervieweesduring 1 month prior to the interviews -Table 23 Percentages of Dead Persons classifi ed according to causes of death -Table 24 Percentages of inpatients during 12 months prior to the interviews classifi ed accordingto age groups, administration areas and regions of the Country -2.2. Health Services and Health Security -Table 25 Percentages of inpatients during 12 months prior to the interviews classifi edaccording to ages, genders and administration areas -Table 26 Percentages of the Population who use dental care services during 12 months priorto the interviews classifi ed according to age groups, administration areas andregions of the Country -Table 27 Number of Older Persons who use dental care services during 12 months prior to theinterviews classifi ed according to ages, genders and administration areas (unit =1,000persons) -Table 28 Percentages of the Population who access the health insurance scheme classifi edaccording to age groups, administration areas and regions of the Country -Table 29 Percentages of Older Persons who access the health insurance scheme classifi edaccording to ages, genders and administration areas -Table 30 Number of Older Persons who access the health welfare classifi ed according to typesof the health welfare (unit=1,000 persons) -2.3.Health Behavior -Table 31 Percentages of the existing smokers classifi ed according to age groups, administrationareas and regions of the Country -Diagram 9 The Trend of Percentages of Older Smokers in 3 years (1999, 2001, 2006) -Table 32 Number of Older Smokers classifi ed according to their smoking conduct, gendersand administration areas (unit = 1,000 persons) -Table 33 The Rate of Regular Smoking of the Populations aged 15 years and more classifi edaccording to age groups -Table 34 Number of the Present Older Smokers and the Previous Older Smokers classifi edaccording to their beginning age of smoking, genders and administration areas (unit= 1,000 persons) -Table 35 Number of the Present Older Smokers classifi ed according to number of cigarettesdaily smoked, genders and administration areas (unit = 1,000 persons) -Table 36 Percentages of the population who drink alcohol or any other spirits classifi edaccording to age groups, administration areas and regions of the Country -Table 37 Percentages of the Population who drink alcohol or any other spirits classifi edaccording to genders and administration areas -Table 38 Number of Older Persons classifi ed according to drinking behavior, genders andadministration areas (unit = 1,000 persons) Chapter 3 Caring -3.1. Caregivers and Social Care Networks for the Elderly -Table 39 Percentages of the Population aged 60 years and more classifi ed according to theirstatus/roles in their family -Table 40 Number & Percentages of older persons who live alone classifi ed according to agegroups and genders -Diagram 10 The Trend of Percentages of Older Persons Who Live Alone (data as of 3 years) -3.2. Caregivers -3.3. Number of Caregivers and Need of Caregivers in the Future -3.4.Levels of the Elderly Care Providing (Care-giving) -3.5.Social Networks of the Elderly Care-giving Chapter 4 Employment, Incomeand Saving of Older Persons -4.1. Work Condition -Table 41 Percentages of Older Persons classifi ed according to their work condition -Diagram 11 The Trend of Percentages of the Elderly Employment in 6 Years (2001-2006) -Table 42 Percentages of the Working Older Persons classifi ed according to their economicactivities -4.2.Economic Activities -Diagram 12 The Trend of Percentages of the Working Older Persons classifi ed according to TheirEconomic Activities in 6 Years? Period (2001-2006) -4.3.Work Status -Table 43 Percentages of the working older persons classifi ed according to their work status -Diagram 13 The Trend of Work Status of Older Persons in 6 Years? Period (2001-2006) -Table 44 Number of the Working Older Persons classifi ed according to their average incomeand working hours -4.4. Income and Working Hours -Diagram 14 The Trend of Average Monthly Income of Older Persons in 5 Years? Period (2001-2002,2004-2006) -4.5. Informal Employment/ Self-employment -Table 45 Number and Percentages of the Employed Older Persons both formally employedand informally employed, classifi ed according to their genders -Table 46 Number and Percentages of Informally Employed Older Persons aged 60 years andmore classifi ed according to injuries or accidents from work and genders -Table 47 Number and Percentages of Informally Employed Older Persons aged 60 years andmore classifi ed according to injuries or accidents from work and administrationareas -Table 48 Number and Percentages of Informally Employed (Self-employed) Older PersonsAged 60 years and more who are injured from work classifi ed according totreatments and access to welfare -Diagram 15 Proportions of Treatments of the Informal Employed Older Persons in case ofinjuries -Diagram 16 Proportions of Welfare Accessed by the Informal Older Workforce (in case ofbecoming inpatients) -Table 49 Number and Percentages of Informally Employed Older Persons aged 60 years andmore classifi ed according to work problems and genders -Table 50 Number and Percentages of Informally Employed Older Persons aged 60 years andmore classifi ed according to work environment problems and genders -Table 51 Number and Percentages of Informally Employed Older Persons aged 60 years andmore classifi ed according to their safety in work and genders -4.6. Savings Situation : Low Level of Family Savings -Table 52 The Family Income, Expenditure and Saving -Diagram 17 The Trend of Personal Savings in Proportion to Income in 6 years? period (2000-2005) -4.7. Saving as Security at Old Age -Table 53 Number of Persons Entitled to the Old Age Allowance and the Amounts of Old AgeAllowance Entitled to Them from the Social Security Fund, the Offi ce of SocialSecurity 1999-2006 Chapter 5 Access to News & Information,Education and Lifelong Learning -5.1.Education and Learning of Older Persons -Table 54 Number of Older Persons who use computers classifi ed according to the regions andthe administration areas, in comparison of 3 years (2004 - 2006 -Diagram 18 Proportions of Older Persons who use computers classifi ed according to regions ofthe Country, compared 3 years (2004 - 2006) -Table 55 Percentages of Older Persons who use computers classifi ed according to theactivities/purposes of their use of computers, regions and the administration areas -Diagram 19 Proportions of Purposes of Older Persons in Using Computers, 2006 -Table 56 Number of Older Persons who use the Internet classifi ed according to the regionsand the administration areas, in comparison of 3 years (2004 - 2006) -Table 57 Percentages of Older Persons who use the Internet classifi ed according to the sources/places where they use the Internet, regions and the administration areas -Table 58 Percentages of Older Persons who use the Internet classifi ed according to theactivities/purposes of their use of the Internet, regions and the administration areas -5.2.Vocational Education -Table 59 Number of Older Persons who enroll in the vocational education, in the academicyear 2006 -Table 60 Number of Older Persons who enroll in university education, classifi ed according tothe educational levels, in the academic years 2004-2006 -Diagram 20 Percentages of Older Persons Who Enroll in Vocational Education in comparison of3 years -5.3.Education at the Higher Education Level -Diagram 21 The Trend of Number of Older Students Aged 60 Years and More Who Enroll inUniversity Education classifi ed according to their educational levels -Table 61 Number of Older Students who enroll in university education, classifi ed according togroups of universities in the academic year 2006 -Table 62 Number of Older Students who enroll in university education, classifi ed according totypes of universities in the academic year 2006 -Diagram 22 Proportions of Older Persons who enroll in education classifi ed according to educationallevels and types of universities in 2006 -5.4.Enhancement of Lifelong Learning -5.5.Occupational training Chapter 6 Need Assessment -6.1. The way in which the elderly desire their family members/ children/grandchildren to treat them -Table 63 The way in which the elderly desire their family members/ children/ grandchildren totreat them -Table 64 The Persons who Older Persons most prefer to take care of them -6.2.The good things that the elderly desire to transmitto younger generation -Table 65 Good things Older Persons desire to transmit to younger generation -6.3. The need of community assistance -Table 66 The Need of Community Assistance -6.4.The need of the governmental assistance -Table 67 The Need of the Governmental Assistance -Table 68 The Elderly Need of Support -Table 69 Older Persons? Future Need of Housing -Table 70 The Housing Need at Old Age -Table 71 The need of lodgings welfare Chapter 7 Roles of the Private Sectorin the Tasks on the Elderly -7.1.Development of the Elderly Life Quality -7.2. Older Persons : Business Chance for the Life Insurance BusinessSector -7.3.Promotion of the elderly good image done by the private businessentities and medias Chapter 8 The Signifi cant Situationof the Thai Elderly in 2006 -8.1.The Multipurpose Senior Citizen Center -Diagram 23 Uses of the Multipurpose Center -Picture 1 showing activitiesin a multipurpose center -Picture 2 showing activitiesin a multipurpose center -Picture 3 showing the arrangement ofa room of a multipurpose center -Diagram 24 Presentation of the Research Result for Being Mainstreamed into the Policy (thewhole depiction) -8.2.Concept of the Elderly Welfare in Thailand ?Old Age Pension -Table 72 Data of Old Age Funds -Table 73 Data on Access of the Retirement Age Group to the Provident Funds for Old Age -Diagram 25 Proposal of the Structure of Community-based Saving Funds for Welfare and OldAge -Table 74 The number of the old age group with high dependency classifi ed according to theforms of care and levels of need of care -8.3. Nursing Homes for the Elderly -Table 75 Percentages of older persons classifi ed according to their health condition comparedamong various residential homes -Table 76 Percentages of older persons in the studied residential homes classifi ed accordingto their dependency -Table 77 shows types of registered elderly care service institutions licensed by variousgovernment agencies -Picture 4 the Sign publicizes the Project -8.4. Oral Hygiene of Older Persons :Movements in the Previous Year*Oral Hygiene of Older Persons -Picture 5 Books & Documentation concerninghow to produce dentures -Picture 6 Skill Training to the fi eld working dentists -Picture 7 Provision of Knowledgeof the Correct Way to Brushthe Teeth -Picture 8 Teeth Brushingafter a charity at a temple -Picture 9 the Contest of the ElderlyTeeth Brushing Chapter 9 Executive Recommendations -9.1. Implementation of the Strategy on Preparation of the PopulationReadiness for Quality Ageing Pursuant to the National Planon Older Persons : 2002 - 2021 -9.2.Access to the Health-care Service System -9.3. Family and Community-based Elderly Care -9.4. Lifelong Learning -9.5. Income and Saving for Old Age References Rights of the Elderly pursuant to the Act on Older Persons : 2003 List of Members of the Committee of Compilation of the Situation ofthe Thai Elderly 2006 Rear Page