Cover Page Preface Table of Contents Chapter 1 : General situation -1.1 The Size of the Thai Populationis Stabilizing -1.2 Transition of the Age Structureof the Thai Population towardan Aged Society -1.3 The Age Structure of the Thai Populationis Moving Irrevocably towardan Aged Society -1.4 The Pace of Aging ofthe Thai Population is Very Rapid -1.5 Increased Health and Longevityof the Thai Population -1.6 An Aged Society HasMore Females than Males -1.7 Changing Patterns of Domicilefor the Elderly -1.8 Elderly Income is Still Problematic -1.9 The Elderly Still FaceHealth Challenges -1.10 Not all of the Pre-Elderly Population isConcerned about Preparing forLife as an Elderly Person Chapter 2 : Income security of the thai elderly -2.1 Situation of Income Securityfor the Elderly -2.2 Employment opport unities forthe elderly --2.2.1 Structure of the population and declinein the number of younger family members --2.2.2 The Labor Market is Not Welcomingto the Elderly --2.2.3 Thai law presents barriers to employmentof the elderly --2.2.4 Society?s Concept of the Elderly is NotConducive to Labor Force Participation -2.3 Mechanisms for PromotingIncome Security of the Elderly --2.3.1 Promotion of Savings --2.3.2 Income Security Mostly Covers Workersin the Formal Labor Sector --2.3.3 Income Security for All:Universal Elderly Welfare Subsidy -2.4 Implementation by the Governmentin 2013 -2.5 The Path to Income Security forthe Elderly Chapter 3 : Key features of th esituation in 2013 -Professor Prasert Na Nagara National Elderly Award in 2013 -Appreciation of Architectureand Universal Design Chapter 4 : Research on the elderly, 2013 -New Concept of the Elderly:Psycho-social and Health Viewpoint -Project to Review Literature on Lessons Learnedand Experience on Policies to Increasethe Age of Employment:Cases of United Kingdom, France and Singapore -Policy on Increasing the Length of Labor ForceParticipation: Lessons from Japan -Lessons Learned and Experience of PolicyFormation and Guidelines for Accommodatingan Aged Society and the Raising of the Ageof Retirement for Government Personneland Employment in South Korea -Research Study on Macro and Micro Impactsof Extending the Age of Retirementin Thailand References Working Committeeof the Report on the Situation of the Thai Elderly , 2013 Rear Page