Lobbying Issues Cover page Miscellanea - Insiders Poll Contents - Topics Opinion - Opening Argument : Gitmo Lawyers and CIA Photos[Stuart Taylor Jr.] Cover Story - So, Who Won? : A Staff Report[Brian Friel][Richard E. Cohen][Alexis Simendinger][Kirk Victor][James A. Barnes][Peter H. Stone] - Grading Refoem[Marilyn Werber Serafini] Foreign Affairs - Sidewalk Squatters[Bruce Stokes] Congress - Broadband Plan Hits the Right Notes[Shane Harris] - The Week on the Hill[Jill Smallen][Jason Dick] Administration - George Bailey, R.I.P.[John Maggs] - Broadband's Next Big Fight[David Hatch] - Gaining Altitude[Lisa Caruso] - Waking to Washington[Neil Munro] - Iraq's Graduation Day[James Kitfield] - Highlights From Our Blogs Politics - Hotlime Extra[Maura O'Brien] - Political Connections : The Populist Crossfire[Ronald Brownstein] - Political Pulse : Now Everything Changes[Bill Schneider] - Gallery On the Move - People - Index - The Cook Report : Reflex Responses[Charlie Cook] Rear page