Faith in Buddhism
Fifty-eighth world health assembly Geneva, 16-25 May 2005 : verbatim records of plenary meetings and list of participants
Fifty-eighth world Health Assembly, Geneva, 16-25 May 2005 (summary records of committees, reports of committees)
Fifty-eighth World Health Assembly, Geneva, 16-25 May 2005 resolutions and decisions annex
Fifty-fourth World Health Assembly, Geneva, 14-22 May 2001 verbatim records of plenary meetings and list of participants
Fifty-ninth world health assembly Geneva, 22-27 May 2006 : resolutions and decisions annexes
Fifty-ninth world health assembly Geneva, 22-27 May 2006 : summary records of committees, reports of committees
Fifty-second World Health Assembly in Geneva, 17-25 May 1999 : verbatim records of plenary meetings and list of participants
Fifty-seventh World Health Assembly, Geneva, 17-22 May 2004 : resolutions and decisions annexes
Fifty-seventh world health assembly, Geneva, 17-22 May 2004 : summary records of committees, reports of committees
Fifty-Seventh World Health Assembly, Geneva, 17-22 May 2004 : verbatim records of plenary meetings and list of participants
Fifty-sixth World Health Assembly, Geneva, 19-28 May 2003 : verbatim records of plenary meetings and list of participants
Fiftyninth world health assembly Geneva, 2227 May 2006 : Verbatim records of plenary meetings and list of participants
Final act embodying the result of the uruguay round of multilateral trade negotiations
Final announcement : World Library and Information Congress 72nd IFLA General Conference and Council (Seoul, Korea, 20 - 24 August 2006)
Final report on the Second International Forum on Education Reform : key factors in effective implementation
Financial information of agricultural groups in Thailand 2004
Financial information of cooperatives in Thailand 2004
FOOD LOSS STUDY TO BOOST UP FOOD SECURITY สวก. กับงานวิจัยการเสียอาหาร เพื่อความมั่งคงอาหาร
For Quality Management ปีที่ 18 ฉบับที่ 160 (ก.พ. 2554)